Survey Hire UK have a wide range of GeoMax GNSS available for GIS Mapping. The X-PAD software allows positional data to be captured to cm accuracy and additional data to be assigned to those points including descriptions, materials, photographs, sketches, asset tags and as many users' definable meta data as required. Users can import and export data using SHP files for GIS databases, AutoCAD DWG/DXF for CAD environments or Excel spreadsheets for manual data entry and archiving. Point navigation and background mapping are also features of the system including live streaming of Google/Bing Maps for orientation and urban updates. An ideal tool for any asset managers in local government, utility companies or transport industries
Product Recommendation
Boost your daily performance with these easy-to-use, surveying equipment from GeoMax. We can supply you with a full range of total stations, GNSS, lasers and levels
- Robotic Total Stations
- GNSS Rovers
- Pipe Lasers
- Rotating Lasers